Lunch with Lindsay: Diversity and Inclusion Work During a Reckoning

Last week, I continued the Lunch with Lindsay video series with my friend Paty. She and I met our first year at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Almost two decades later, we reminisced on college, reflected on how we have evolved, and discussed how she approaches diversity and inclusion work during a reckoning with racism and the COVID-19 pandemic.

It was a blast to chat with her. Usually, I have more commentary on my video chats with people, but this is one I really encourage you to watch. I swear it is worth it.

Photo from Flickr

Across the country, many employers are figuring out how to promote diversity and inclusion. As many are quick to publish public relations statements, post slogans of solidarity, and fill their social media accounts with more images than Black and Brown people than they ever have shared in their institutional history—Paty shares with all of us what it is like to officially do diversity and inclusion work during this new era.

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